
Keyguard expands Guarding Contracts

Keyguard UK Ltd., a division of the Westminster Group Plc., has expanded its guarding contracts at Stanton Cross, a £1 billion pound development project situated in the heart of Northamptonshire on the eastern edge of the historic town of Wellingborough. Once complete, it will provide more than 3,650 new homes together with 1.5 million sq ft of industrial, leisure, retail and office space, delivering around 3,000 new jobs.

Keyguard has been providing security services for contractors developing the Stanton Cross project since 2016. Under this latest contract, awarded by the lead development company, Keyguard is to expand its operations to cover Asset Protection, Entry Control and Vehicle Security Patrols for an additional three separate areas of the project site. Keyguard intends to increase the security envelope it currently provides to all future development areas of the project site as new contractors commence operations throughout 2020 and 2021.

Keyguard secured this latest contract by demonstrating its effectiveness and professionalism on site and, as part of the Westminster Group, has introduced rigorous safety measures and procedures to protect employees, site contractors and visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic.