
Training Category

Westminster continue to offer an increasing number of remote training packages

Westminster’s ‘remote training’ packages allow you to attend training from your place of work, whether that is in your work office or your new office at home. The CAA are…

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Westminster – Supporting your Security

Westminster are proud to announce the addition of SIA training to its already comprehensive portfolio. This will allow us to provide a full security service to ensure that we can…

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Joint venture continues to provide training support

Westminster and GAA have continued to work together to deliver effective training ensuring the impact of the current restrictions are minimised and our clients can be confident, with our support,…

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Security training for local national authorities – Dhaka, Bangladesh

Westminster are continuing to navigate through the current restrictions and ensure we remain prepared and flexible to provide our worldwide customers with the professional support they have grown to expect from us. Last…

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GAA (Bahrain) Successful collaboration In Iraq

As part of our ongoing strategic partnership, Westminster and the Gulf Aviation Academy continue to provide training and support to our clients. Training provided this month in Iraq is the…

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